Well, this would surely ruin your day, and maybe even your month (or two).

When we first saw this video, our immediate (and expected) response was basically … “UGH!” Can you imagine finally getting your prized Tesla Model 3 and then someone smashes it up this bad? Of course, with any new car, you’d be really upset.

However, sadly, as we’ve come to learn, sometimes Tesla collision repairs can take a ton of time due to the fact that Tesla doesn’t typically “fix” its own cars, but outsources it to approved repair shops. This can cause a multitude of issues depending on the shop, the availability of parts, timelines, etc.

At any rate, as you can see from the video, the Pogo (ride share) driver makes an instant and illegal turn from a middle lane. It appears the driver didn’t even check their blindspot, but instead, just quickly turned right into the Model 3. 

Based on the initial video footage, you may assume that the Tesla didn’t undergo very much damage. It doesn’t look like the Pogo subcompact car was very torn up. However, if you watch the video until the end, you’ll see that the Model 3 is a disaster. The entire side is demolished, in addition to the front wheel, etc.

As always, let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

Video Description via Andrew Batiuk on YouTube:

Tesla Model 3 gets sideswiped by Pogo driver.

My friend was caught totally off guard when a Pogo (car share) driver tried to illegally turn left, first hitting a truck, and then overcorrecting into his Model 3.

Let me know what you think in the comments below – do you think it be a write off?

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