An Amazon delivery driver has learned the hard way of just how important it is to apply the handbrake whenever you park a vehicle.

The footage below was filmed from a small security camera in-built to the doorbell of a house. As soon as the clip starts, a blue Mercedes-Benz delivery vehicle used by Amazon can be slowly seen rolling backwards down the street.

The driver is blissfully unaware of what’s happening behind him and leaves the package at the door before ringing the doorbell. When he turns around, however, he sees the van slowly rolling down the street and immediately starts to sprint after it.

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Although the video ends once the van and the delivery driver are out of view, the homeowner took to Reddit to share an image of the aftermath. Evidently, the driver was not able to jump into the van and hit the brakes and the Mercedes ended up rolling into the front yard of a nearby house. It’s difficult to say for sure what exactly happened after the van was out of view of the security camera but it doesn’t appear to have suffered much damage, at least from what we can see.

Just why did the van roll away? While it’s apparent that the handbrake was not applied, it’s unclear if the driver left the van in neutral and it simply rolled down the gently-sloped street or if in fact, it was left in park but somehow slipped out of gear.

Aftermath of Amazon Delivery… from r/funny

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