EDITOR’S NOTE: This article comes to us courtesy of EVANNEX, which makes and sells aftermarket Tesla accessories. The opinions expressed therein are not necessarily our own at InsideEVs, nor have we been paid by EVANNEX to publish these articles. We find the company’s perspective as an aftermarket supplier of Tesla accessories interesting and are happy to share its content free of charge. Enjoy!

Aniseh Sharifi has been working in the auto industry for the past ten years. She says, “I grew up around cars – my brother and dad were car fanatics and that’s all they ever talked about.” When profiled in Toronto Life magazine she confessed, “I’m an electric vehicle nerd.” Aniseh says, “My EV has changed my life – and yes I realize how cheesy that sounds.” She drives a Tesla Model 3.

She also happens to be the sole female executive in the Tesla Owner’s Club of Ontario. Through her work in the club, auto biz, and writing (you can check out her work in AutostradaDress to Kill, and via her own blog), Aniseh’s goal is to show the world that owning an EV can be easy, cost-effective, practical, and fun.

In a recent article, Aniseh provides tips to winterize your Tesla Model 3 — before it’s too late. She admits, “I’ve been a very bad girl this year. It’s been snowing on and off in Ontario for a month already and I’ve just got around to winterizing my car now… the winter weather started very early this year. “

Above: Aniseh’s Model 3 is feeling the chill (Twitter: Aniseh Sharifi)

So why should you get on the ball and winterize your Tesla? She says, “I’ve learned over the years that if I take good care of the things that I value, then they will last me longer and be more efficient.” 


When I got the Model 3, I chose the RWD and decided to get winter tires for the car. It’s been such an eye-opening experience. Regardless of your vehicle’s powertrain, winter tires are necessary when temperatures drop below 7°C. Not only for your own safety but the safety of others on the road. This is not a preference. Winter tires in Canada are a must, and I don’t care if you drive AWD or RWD. Also, [be sure to] rotate your tires.


Starting your EV ahead of time is a great way to warm up the battery… If you can start warming up the car while it’s still plugged in – bonus! But even if you’re not plugged in, warming the car up before you drive it will save you significant range. A cold battery is not as efficient as one that’s warmed up. Get in the habit of pre-conditioning your car, and you’ll make better use of your range.

Above: Aniseh warms up with Elon Musk’s infamous flamethrower via The Boring Company (Twitter: Aniseh Sharifi)


If you’re parked outside, and the car has collected snow overnight, then clear off as much of the snow as you can. This will help with visibility while you’re driving but also reduce the amount of energy needed to defrost the windows.


Rubber mats will protect the floor of your car from salt damage. They will also just keep the car clean when you’re in and out of the car with your winter boots covered in snow. Winter mats inside the car make a huge difference when you live in areas with lots of snow. Salt damage is a real thing. I would be so devastated if the interior of my car was damaged with something that I could have prevented by simply buying good quality mats.

Above: Aniseh keeps her interior protected from snow, sleet, salt, and mud with all-weather rubber floor mats (Source: Aniseh Sharifi)


Make sure you’re topped up. We use more windshield washer fluid in the winter to clear off the salt as we’re driving. You don’t want to be low on fluids on the highway. I usually have an extra bottle in my trunk just in case.


You’ll know your wiper blades are worn out when you’re turning your wipers on, and it’s only making a mess of your windshield. You can try cleaning them first as they may be frozen or have [some] dirt caught in them. If you notice gaps or tears in the blades, then you need to replace them.


The next item I’ve got my eye on is [a Model 3] car cover. I want to cover my car while I’m away for a few weeks in Vancouver this Christmas. I’ve heard that some Tesla owners store their EVs for the winter. Why not cover it then to make sure it’s protected while it’s hibernating?! 

Above: Aniseh taking delivery of her Tesla Model 3 (Twitter: Aniseh Sharifi)

If you like what Aniseh has to say, be sure to check out more automotive advice on her informative blog. You can also follow her electric vehicle adventures on Instagram and Twitter. And if you want some more winter tips, fellow Canadian (and friend) Trevor Page recently offered up some additional advice for winter driving in a Tesla Model 3. 


Source: Aniseh Sharifi

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article comes to us courtesy of EVANNEX, which makes and sells aftermarket Tesla accessories. The opinions expressed therein are not necessarily our own at InsideEVs, nor have we been paid by EVANNEX to publish these articles. We find the company’s perspective as an aftermarket supplier of Tesla accessories interesting and are happy to share its content free of charge. Enjoy!

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